Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ballard Seafood Festival: Saturday July 14th, 2012
Ballard culture, food and fun
Oliver eating his fried Alligator. "The inside tastes exactly like chicken..."

Mom: After perusing the many food stations and trucks, Oliver decided on the fried Alligator from New Orleans Cookery. He had been talking about eating Alligator since our visit to Florida a few weeks ago, and he made a bee-line directly for it. Here's his account of the experience.

Oliver: (While nibbling on his skewer of fried Alligator) There are two different flavors. The first is the outside fried part. It has a strong taste,  and it's very chewy! The inside tastes exactly like chicken but a little different. I can't really explain. It's just a little spicy. Now that I've had fried alligator I like it more than chicken.
Five thumbs up!

            Elliot showing off his precious Crab Cakes. 

Elliot he went straight for the Crab Cakes at one of the many seafood booths:
Elliot: (While digging into the fried, golden disks of crab)These crab cakes are nice and crunchy on the outside. The inside meat is thick and creamy, and excellent with tarter sauce. It's savory and a little sweet. Five thumbs up!

Mom: What do you guys think about the Ballard Seafood Festival?

Elliot: It's a great way to show Ballard culture. Since we live on the sound we get lots of seafood.

Ollie: Very fun, very crowded. Delish food! *Oliver has decided next year he wants to Hula Hoop as a Ballard Seafood Fest street performer! Sweet. :) 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Meet the bloggers; a short interview with the kids.

What is your favorite food? Least favorite?
Oliver: "That's easy mom, it's steak. Don't you remember all the steak I ate in Florida?"
Mom: "Yeah, I remember. You wanted it for every meal."
Oliver: "Um, I really hate liver. Yuck. And chocolate croissants."
Mom: "Okay, kind of random there, but I agree with you about liver."
What's fun about eating out?
Oliver: "I think restaurants (that we go to) are pretty fancy, and I love when I get to eat a lot of food and special drinks."
What's good about eating at home?
Oliver: "My mom makes really good food. I like her smoothies, and she knows my taste. I love hot sauce and we always have some at home."
If you could eat out anywhere, where would you choose? 
Oliver: "CANALIS! My mom says it's really expensive so I'm saving my money so someday I can eat a delicious steak there!"

What is your favorite food? Least favorite?
Elliot: "My favorite food has to be pepperoni pizza, especially from Ballard Pizza Company. The slices are HUGE, and I like the pizza oven flavor. The food I hate the most is squash. I especially don't like zucchini. My taste buds hate zucchini. Seriously."
Mom: "It's true, I can't get these kids to eat squash at all!"
What's fun about eating out?
Elliot: "You get to go out to eat, and you experience different stuff like different cultures."
Mom: "What do you mean by that?"
Elliot: "I mean if you go to a mexican restaurant like Michoacan, there is artwork on the building and inside, and of course the food. It teaches you about what kind of food people eat in Mexico."
Mom: "Ah, I see."
What's good about eating at home?
Elliot: "You can relax, it's quiet and you don't have to pay a bunch of money for what you're eating. It's also good to have family time at home. I like mom's style of cooking, she always cooks it just the way I like it... unless it has zucchini in it."
If you could eat out anywhere, where would you choose? 
Elliot: "I want to go to Canalis, but since Oliver already picked that I'd have to say Olive Garden! I think it's really fancy, because they make good food, the service is great and it looks like an Italian or Roman place. If you go there, I suggest getting the Ravioli. Yum!"


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Full Tilt: Awesome

Elliot: Full Tilt is awesome because it doesn't only have really good ice cream. They have different video games like Metal Slug and tons of pinball games. The prices are good from what my mom tells
me. Two words about the ice cream, good AND nicely frozen. Flavors I have tried:
Rocky Road- Sweet chocolaty flavor with two extra ingredients that really make it stand out; marshmallows AND nuts. 
Chocolate- Well, it's chocolate. Yum.
I haven't tried all of the flavors yet, but I want to! The fruit loop flavored one (I can't remember the name) looks especially tasty! If I could I'd give this place six out of five thumbs up!
Mom's note: For adults they have beer, as well as ice cream and video games. That's called a win/win folks!

Oliver: This place has SO MUCH pinball! Lord of the Rings is my favorite game and I think I'm pretty great at it. Favorite flavor ice cream is Rocky Road, but I have also tried Mexican Chocolate and Horchata. The Horchata was so delicious and SWEET! Good for kids and their parents. Five thumbs up!